When choosing for a microphone filter, it is very important that you have research about it first. The reason for this is that you’ll be able purchase the one that is perfectly ideal for your microphone. Without the proper knowledge, you will end up getting the worst product of all, which eventually cost you a lot more than your budget. This is not good if you are money constrained. Instead of what you thought it would satisfy your needs without having to spend so much, you literally have to spend twice since you have to buy another one.


As we all know, pop filters are responsible for omitting the pops that occurs mostly in voice recording. They have been used in wide array of purposes. From amateur recording to independent singers; from podcasting to live airing on radio station; from pulpit to Hollywood voice-overs. All these need the help of pop filter in order to improve the digital output. Although some may opt for microphone foam, but the good thing about pop filter is that it will enable you to keep a proper distance from where your mic is mounted.

There are plenty of information over the internet regarding this topic, including how to make your own filter using certain household materials. But if you are contemplating on buying a ready to use and professional looking one, then go ahead. Of course there are tons of brands you can choose, and each of them has its own quality level. First thing you need to consider is the price. Although you must not judge its quality through its price, however you need to see if you see what you’re getting in a reasonable amount of money.

It is likewise important to pay attention to the reviews. A product with lots of positive reviews from their previous customers is more likely to produce a good quality. However, if the positive and negative reviews are of “tug of war” situation, then you have to gauge by yourself if the pop filter is really the right one for you. Take for example, Blue Yeti pop filter reviews have plenty of pros and cons. Some say that its quality is really great, that it does its job appropriately, yet on the other side it is rather difficult to set up, especially on a desktop microphone. Some claimed that they have to drill a hole on their mic, which is typically absurd because it will wreck the mic and the procedure itself is messy, while other said that it is so easy to install it.

Think of this – what good does it render if it does its job on eliminating unnecessary noises yet you are unable to hold it still or fit it your mic, right? Perhaps the most essential thing you need to consider is what kind of mic you are having or how it was mounted, because it is literally case to case basis. What it doesn’t work to someone may actually work on your end.

Copyright Richard Stelar

Richard works as a public accountant. He has an alternate life within the music industry and he’s here to help those who has questions about home recording, microphones, and obtain great sources of pop filter http://blueyetipopfilter.com/.

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